Homeopathic Doctors
Homeopathic Physician
Homeopathy is a very personal life choice when it comes to your and your family’s health care. Many people want an alternative to traditional or conventional medical treatment that focuses solely on a particular symptom or illness rather than on the person as a whole. When a gentler, more natural approach to managing your health is what you desire, a homeopathic doctor may be the solution you are looking for. Especially nowadays where the homeopathic lifestyle is much more accepted and appreciated by the mainstream, then years gone by. Holistic/Alternative medicine facilities are much more readily available to the general public as well. In general, homeopathy seems to be getting increasingly popular as an alternative or in conjunction with Western medical and scientific traditions. Therefore, if you are interested in homeopathic treatments, read on to find out what the benefits are and how you can get started.
What is Homeopathy?
A system of medicine that treats the person as a whole and not just the disease or complaint. It focuses on when and how people suffer from disease and tries to find the underlying cause of a person’s illness. It believes that symptoms are the body’s effort to heal itself.
The goal is to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself. These “remedies” are prescribed in extremely diluted doses, so small as to be almost undetectable and without any harmful side effects. Homeopathic medicines are commonly referred to as ‘remedies’ because they are believed to cure the patient by stimulating the body’s own vital force or vital energy.
Homeopathy dates back to the time of Hippocrates, who was a Greek philosopher, physician, and scientist. Hippocrates was the first to state that diseases could have both physical and psychological causes. Homeopathic medicines can be useful for a variety of conditions involving mental and emotional upset along with acute physical illnesses. Homeopathic physicians believe that our bodies have natural defenses against disease – like healing potentials that bring about a cure when attacking symptoms are eradicated to make way for healing forces.
Homeopathic doctors share a philosophy that an individual’s body, mind, lifestyle, and emotional well-being are all factors when it comes to good health. Homeopathic treatments are customized to a specific individual and their total health, rather than dishing out a standard medicine to treat a symptom alone (such as a one size fits all approach). Homeopathic professionals believe that the best way to treat an illness, and also prevent illness, is by stimulating the body’s own natural defense mechanisms and by triggering the body’s self-healing properties. They also believe that the best way to treat acute symptoms, such as a cold, is by getting the body back on its natural healing track.
Homeopathic doctors believe in the importance of small dilutions, and they use highly dilute potencies of homeopathic medicines to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms. The potency of homeopathy refers to the amount of a substance dissolved in a given volume of water. There are no official guidelines as to how potent should be for a certain remedy; each individual case is different. Homeopathic medicine’s effectiveness is based on “like cures like”. For example, one might have an allergy to cats that can only be treated with remedies made from cat bones.
An initial visit with a homeopathic doctor would typically be a lengthy one as the doctor will want to get to know you in-depth. An initial consultation or visit may be an hour to an hour and a half and you should be prepared to provide full disclosure with regard to your health, emotional state of mind, and lifestyle. Some doctors may have you complete a questionnaire prior to your visit since there are many areas to be covered. It may be helpful to have someone other than your primary care physician present for your initial consultation.
During your first visit, you will meet a homeopathic doctor for the first time. You will enter a room to meet with the doctor. He or she will want to get a sense of what you like, how you feel, and what your personality type may be. Once you and the doctor are comfortable with each other, he or she will begin asking questions about what bothers you the most in your life. The doctor will also do background reading on you if he or she thinks it is necessary to know more about your health history and other background questions that may help him or her determine if homeopathy is something for you to practice. After the initial consultation, the homeopathic doctor will give you some options for follow-up visits. Your first visit may be an hour to an hour and a half.
Some of the most common things a homeopathic doctor may want to learn about you are:
Revealing such personal issues with someone else about your life can feel a bit intrusive, however, it’s important for a homeopathic physician to understand all aspects of your life and how all of the pieces fit together in order to come up with an effective homeopathic remedy or treatment plan. Homeopathy looks at the broader picture instead of just trying to treat a specific symptom since homeopathic remedies are specifically tailored to an individual’s personal situation. Your health care professional will use all of this information, in addition to a physical examination, to determine the best course of treatment. Lab tests may also be used to help assess your current health situation.
- Your own personal medical history (i.e., medical conditions, illnesses, injuries, hospitalizations, medications, etc.)
- Your family’s medical history (medical conditions that family members have as well as substance abuse issues or mental disorders)
- Lifestyle (how you spend your time, eating habits and the types of food you eat, food likes and dislikes, sleep patterns, interpersonal relationships, spiritual life, do you exercise, hobbies and activities, intimacy, etc.)
- Personality traits (are you aggressive, unassertive, depressed, timid, shy, do you worry excessively, angry, bitter, aloof, easy-going, happy-go-lucky, etc.). These types of attributes may be difficult to share with a health care provider but are extremely important as they can contribute greatly to your overall health.
- What is your everyday life like and how do you function on an everyday basis (stress, worry, memory and recall, tired or lethargic, how you cope with situations, are you happy at your job, parenting issues, elderly parents, etc.)
Revealing such personal issues with someone else about your life can feel a bit intrusive, however, it’s important for a homeopathic physician to understand all aspects of your life and how all of the pieces fit together in order to come up with an effective homeopathic remedy or treatment plan. Homeopathy looks at the broader picture instead of just trying to treat a specific symptom since homeopathic remedies are specifically tailored to an individual’s personal situation. Your health care professional will use all of this information, in addition to a physical examination, to determine the best course of treatment. Lab tests may also be used to help assess your current health situation.
The study or practice of homeopathy is not a licensed profession and does not actually require a specific license. Every state requires a license to be a practitioner in the medical profession and many licensed doctors choose to be trained in homeopathy. Different types of licensed doctors in the United States require additional training in order to partake in the practice of homeopathy and offer it as part of their practice. There are also different agencies such as the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC) and North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) that offer certifications to individual homeopaths. Individuals, who are not licensed practitioners, can be trained in homeopathy and can act as counselors.
These individuals must be careful not to act in such a capacity where they are diagnosing an illness or condition or offering homeopathic treatments since they may be subject to legal ramifications in their state since they are not licensed as a medical professional. Other licensed medical professionals like nurse practitioners, chiropractors, dentists, and midwives may also be allowed to practice homeopathic care if it is within the scope of their designated license and they have the proper training.
In your search for a homeopathic doctor, it is advisable to do your homework. Check with a national organization like the National Center for Homeopathy to find homeopathic doctors in your area. Inquire as to how long they have been in practice, the type of training they have if they are a licensed practitioner, how much of their practice is devoted to homeopathy, what their fees are and if insurance will cover your visits. Pay attention to recommendations and reviews too. If you do your homework upfront, you should be able to find a homeopathic professional that will be committed to providing the best care possible.
Homeopathy is considered one of the most affordable medical options available because it is not a complicated process. In fact, homeopathic remedies and treatments are extremely easy to administer. The cost for your initial consultation will vary depending on where you live and your doctor’s practice style. Again, since there is not a licensing board and the practice of homeopathy is not overly regulated by the government or any medical professional agency, it’s important to find a doctor who offers an affordable rate and provides you with clear explanations for all of your treatment options.
Homeopathic treatment is safe and effective if you consult with a doctor who is trained in homeopathic practice. People should not be afraid to try homeopathic remedies just because there is no licensing board overseeing their practice. Homeopathy is also not an invasive procedure; these are just formulas that are used to relieve symptoms and restore wellness. People should be careful not to believe homeopathic remedies are harmful. The truth is that these formulas are extremely safe to take and have been proven effective for thousands of years. Homeopathy treatment is extremely effective and cost-efficient if you locate a doctor who offers affordable rates and makes it clear to you exactly what your symptoms are and why your body needs to change. A well-trained doctor can also help you select a homeopathic remedy that is right for you.
There are some cases where the cost for your homeopathic treatment can be covered by health insurance. Check with your health insurance provider to see if they will cover any of the costs for your treatment. Whatever your course of action, you should always practice good self-care. Whether you choose to cover the cost of your homeopathic treatment with insurance or go without it entirely, there are many things that can help relieve some symptoms. It’s important to remember that even if your condition is not currently curable through medical means, good self-care and a positive attitude can still make living with chronic pain much easier. When in doubt about what course of action might be best for you, speak to an expert who specializes in this area such as a naturopathic physician or licensed acupuncturist. Remember – whatever decision you make – always practice good self-care! You should also take advantage of any free resources available in your community that might be able to provide support during difficult times like these. If there are still things we can do on our end, please let us know!
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